

Reading books and watching videos can only take you so far. This is EXPERIENTIAL work, and needs to be done live and in real-time if you want maximum impact. It’s also a hell of a lot more fun for those involved. This is why I love offering workshops. We dive deep into the energetics of Masculine groundedness, connection, and dark sexual energy. Experiential work that can only be done when we’re in the same room.

“This workshop was awesome. Profound and very practical. It definitely stretched me beyond my comfortable edge, but with care. GS taught very clearly and I brought home specific practices to help me slow down and deepen into my own dark energy.

Practicing with the female practice partners that GS brought in really opened my eyes to how much women want us to bring our dark sexual energy. Verbalizing dirty talk was my uncomfortable edge, but GS and the women really helped me break through on it.

I learned that dark energy is not all dirty and dominating, but rather based in open hearted fierceness, attunement, and directionality. For most men, just that foundation is a profound new territory that will allow them to open and enliven the women in their lives.”

-Abe, participant in Leading in the Bedroom, The Workshop


Date: TBD

Location: Sayulita, Mexico

Men - are you not having as much sex as you’d like. When it does happen, does it feel a little flat? Or has your woman complained that she wants you to take charge more, but that feels challenging to you?

If the answer to any of these is yes, then this workshop is for you. You’ll learn how to lead in the bedroom and bring more Dark Energy into your sexuality. You’ll learn to make things a little ‘dangerous’ and naughty, while at the same time helping her feel safe with you.


Date: March 15-17, 2024

Location: Sayulita, Mexico

Reading books and watching videos can only take you so far. At some point, you need to do the experiential work

So, if you loved my books The Masculine in Relationship and The Art of Embodiment, this workshop is how you take your growth even further.

We’ll train in the three elements of the Masculine Blueprint: Respond vs. React, Provide Structure, and Create Safety

This won’t be about mental knowledge, but rather a lot of embodied practice to train your nervous system. This is what enables you to be a more grounded, present, and powerful man.

And beyond the training, you’ll enjoy the company of other like-minded men who are on a similar path to your own.

There are certain cases where more customization of the workshop is needed. For this I offer two options:

  • Local Workshop: I travel to your city and hold one of my workshops for a group of men that you recruit (minimum 4). In addition, I could recruit additional participants from my audience. Cost would vary with group size. You would need to identify an appropriate workshop space.

  • Private Workshop: I can custom-design a weekend workshop for your specific needs, just for you or a small group. I would bring in male or female practice partners as needed. This option is for the man that is absolutely done with settling for mediocrity and wants to go all-in on deep and fast change within.

Reach out via email ( to discuss Customized Intensives.

A few video clips of Dec 2022 Workshop

Testimonials from past workshops